Each school that works with Blue Sky has extensive experience of working with student teachers and can provide excellent school placement opportunities. All schools have exceptionally good student behaviour and good or outstanding practice in Teaching and Learning, with staff dedicated to creating a happy, stable, caring environment in which children may discover, investigate, communicate and grow.
We have a strong background in developing outstanding teachers, many of whom have secured promotions to Middle and Senior Leadership positions and a significant number have successfully moved onto Headship. Our school community is enriched by the talents each individual contributes, whatever their role in school, and our ability lies in the many opportunities to celebrate and develop them through the life of the school.
Blue Sky has built up a reputation of long standing support for ITT for providing outstanding provision for training. We have specifically been tasked with supporting students who need additional support or have had a difficult previous placement. We have significant success in training student teachers who have successfully moved into the profession with a strong, secure base of professional skills, knowledge and understanding.
Through our School Direct programme, alongside Newman Higher Education Institute, we will build upon this firm foundation to support a network of schools in training the next generation of outstanding teachers through a high quality programme. Newman is the largest Accredited Provider of Employment Based Initial Teacher Training (EBITT) in the West Midlands. It has an established reputation for producing high-quality teachers, who understand the needs of the children they teach, and develop creative and effective practice. Newman’s experienced tutors and strong relationships with schools throughout the West Midlands will support your learning and ensure high quality education through whichever programme you choose.
The programme is designed to enable students to meet the requirements of qualified teacher status (QTS) and to be imaginative, inspiring teachers ready and able to make a difference to the lives of the children they teach. We are seeking to appoint School Direct places in both Primary and Secondary, salaried and training. If you are particularly interested in a Catholic placement please indicate your preference. You will be assured of the highest quality training, designed and delivered by outstanding current teachers. You will work with schools that can ensure you get most up to date training and support.